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prints and photo gifts

MKP offers various  sizes of high-quality photo prints, acrylic prints, art posters, metal prints and photo gift options.  Photo gift options include ceramic mugs, pillows, acrylic blocks, tote bags, T-shirts and phone covers.  All products will be shipped directly to you via my printing lab. From the time of your order placement, you can expect to receive your products within 2-3 weeks. Please visit the information page for more details.

custom framing and canvas wraps 

Let us do the work for you! Custom framing of artwork is done for you when you select the framed prints option. Frames come in a  white or black color for a classic yet modern look and can be sized according to your needs. Photos are printed on high-quality paper with a lustre (satin) finish. Canvas wraps are an alternate option if you would like to purchase ready-to-hang  artwork with least hassle for you.  All products will be shipped directly to you via my printing lab. From the time of order placement, you can expect to receive your products within 2-3 weeks. Please visit the information page for more details.

Thank you for visiting my art shop!   Please click on an image below to select your items and purchase.

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Get in Touch


Tel: 914 306 5030


Thanks for  getting in touch! I'll get back to you within 24 hours.

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"capturing the beauty of today
that will warm your heart tomorrow"

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